The Substantiality Continuum: wholesome entirety and integrated differentiable completeness of all that is.
Phenomena of Thing: a Unit sectoring a substantiality, experiences an Outcome.
Primordial Phenomena of Thing – Origin of the Universe.
The Universe:
• All things and all aspects of all things
• The coming into existence of all things through all things
• The origins and subsequences of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing – Phenomena of All-things
entity: constituent of thing
evol: entitative evolution (emergence) of thing
All phenomena that is not an emergence is a consequent.
world: any group of things related by responsibility, objective and characteristics;
universe: all aspects of any particular thing or world that define and constitute its existence;
life: a ‘Phenomenon of Thing’ – entitative worldly or universal – in which the ‘Outcome’ dictates that the substantiality constituents of the ‘Unit’ remain in constant uninterrupted communication and sustained interaction with one another.
The Compounded Explication of the Foremost Emergence of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing
- Energy is exercised throughout the Universe in continuity as gravitation.
- Quantization is expressed throughout the Universe as gravitation levels.
- Energy intra-actions are experienced at individual gravitation levels, superpositions of gravitation levels as well as encapsulations of multiple gravitation levels (gravitation wave).
- Energy is communicated (transfer, transduce, translate) via gravitation wave – wave actions – through the “fundamental entities of the Universe” to produce the Phenomena of All-things.
- Gravitation wave and wave actions sustain independencies, interdependencies, relationship, relativity and associativity (compatibilities) of entities and evols of all origins and subsequences of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing:
- Gravitation wave and wave actions persist in perpetuity for a Subsequence of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing through the wave-mass interlock to manifest the phenomena of ‘nature’ and ‘the laws of nature’ (the realities of a Subsequence of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing) within, between and around all entities and systems throughout its worlds and universes.
- Nature and the laws of nature constitute the second order Quantization borne of a first order ‘incompatibility’; that is, a ‘wave action bias’; that is, Outcome in favor of ‘compatibility compromise’ – terminuses of the “fundamental entities of the Universe” in beholding to the Recursive Eternal.
- Nature’s laws are exercised, experienced and expressed throughout nature as spirit (gravitation forms – energies).
- Singularities (transition or de-transition non-state – point of essential or Phenomenal transducing) occur at inert wave action; that is, at inoperative Inertia; that is, at ‘terminal’ decreased mass-matter or entanglement – the point at which the amalgamation and unamalgamation of realities perpetuate in eternality.
Fundamental Entities of the Universe
- Mass (qualitative structure/composition/substance: the relationship between potentialities – the more defined the relationship, the stronger the mass)
- Matter (quantitative structure/composition/substance: the degree of association of potentialities – the stronger the association, the more defined the matter)
- Potentiality (operative quality/quantity: distinctioning within substantiality – structure/composition/substance – that instantizes independency, interdependency, relationship, relativity and associativity)
- Inertia (synergistic substantiality: actuation in perpetuity – of association and relationship of potentialities – in the favor OR direction of intra-activities bearing lessening mass-matter for increasing entanglement OR lessening entanglement for increasing mass-matter)
- Entanglement (synergetic eternality: compatibility – the constitution of continuity – for transition, transfer and transducing of potentialities throughout the Substantiality Continuum)
The Wave-Mass Interlock
- gravitation wave (energy intra-action) => magnification of un-directional potentialities and accession of correlative mass and matter (gravitation density) => duplication and interlocking of gravitation densities (space) = interactions of potentialities across and along gravitation levels, constituting an expanse of gravitation continuity (gravitation radiation) = lights (density-energy spectra) = the limits of all of subsequential mass and matter (mass-matter) = synonymousness of space and light (the Quantum Kinetic Lattice).
- lights = configuration or reconfiguration of space mass-matter potentialities = excitation of space = gravitation wave compounded => rise in intensity of interaction of interlocking mass-matter potentialities => subsequential contraction and dilation of: space (space-time continuum) <=> light (radiation) = transitional encapsulation of regions of matter and transferable isolation of regional mass throughout space => directional potentialities and polarized encapsulations = manifestation of time (any instance of Inertia) and memory (all instances of an occurrence of Inertia) => evolution of mass and matter.
Primal Consequents of a Subsequence of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing:
• The Big Bang and the expanding universe
• Evolution
• Ecosystems
• Astronomic Cycles
In the evol of a Subsequence of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing, quantum decay/dissociation occurs at one end of the elemental structural threshold (gasses) while radioactive decay/disintegration occurs at the other end (solids). Both experiencing ‘Outcomes’ of the Triplet Nature Property Matrix, both a re-Entanglement, and each constituting a perpetuity singularity – a transition via the wave-mass interlock (essential transducing) back to the Prime Constitutions of Existence.
The triplet nature property array:
Pressure heat light
Diffusion transfer radiation
Density temperature wavelength
The TNPM (triplet nature property matrix) – the mathematical raveling of the triplet nature property array – defines ‘the evols of states‘: the statics and dynamics of the attractions, actions, reactions for entitative compositions in and out and within ‘state’ (constitutional essence of a sector establishing potentiality pathways for compatibilities and entanglements)
the evols of states favor the path of least resistance (when non-time dependent (time-mutual)) or the path of maximum yield (when time dependent). Within the Quantum Kinetic Lattice, the association of time dependent and time-mutual realities for any ‘state’ or transition to ‘state’, present a continuum of singular essence throughout the encompassing sector (traversed space).
Association Equation of the TNPM: E=mc^2=mac=Fd: light and space being synonymous, and space traversed in less than ‘c’ from a distinct point within a continuum of space is ‘a’.
Time dependent event = singularity phenomenon: when one component of the equation is significantly qualitatively or quantitatively larger than another or other components of the equation; and therefore, conservation and equilibrium is attained through relativistic compromise and/or compensation (reality transitions, energies transducing: time dilation, length contraction, canonical variable complementarity).
Such is the subsequential universal recursive continuum: the birth of a black hole (portal of singularities between essences) is the initiation of the un-aliving of a wormhole (portal of wave action between realities). By virtue of ‘grace’, all things that have life are each a wormhole, all things that die each creates a black hole – with massiveness in relation to its entanglement nexus and re-Entanglement criterion. And black holes also die. The death of a black hole is the full burgeoning of a wormhole and the birth of many lives.
Equilibrium of Continuum
“things”, “worlds”, “universes” and ultimately “life” are the conciliated constitutions of existence. Existence is the infinite-dimensional disparting of “present” into memories. Memories are sectorial modicums of the Substantiality Continuum – continua of substantiality (substantialities). Time is the propagative interlocking of quantum and linear superpositional memories (sectors) along ‘essential’ dimensions of substantiality.
In the ‘constitution of existence’, everything that did happen, could happen and will happen is “present”: the entirety of the Universe is a continuum of interlocking – an ecosystem of energy entanglements, entities interactivity and evol intra-activities – in which, for an entity or any number of entities teeming with substantiality, their ‘memorialization occurrence’ (constitutional, emergence and consequent Phenomena) constitutes that entity’s or entities’ “reality” (the limits of the entity or school of entities’ abilities and capabilities to be communicated to (formed, informed or transformed) by all other compositions of existence and life, and the Universe), amidst and in concurrency with infinite other realities, all intricately woven one into the other, in sustained constitution of continuity and by an infinite order of compatibility constitutions (compatibilities) – “amalgamation of realities”, with existence and life constantly being defined and redefined at the points of their intersections (deterministic points), such that there are no permanencies of reality, only “reality transitions”: time-sustained space-constrained illusions of projections – arrangements and sum-display of deterministic points and ‘essences’ (the shared substantiality between two or more realities at their points of intersections), which produce the palpabilities and tangibilities in existence and life, with life being the only existential constitution whose reality transitions are superpositional – span multi-intersectional essences; each reality all the while remaining a transitional factor subject to multiple levels and dimensions of transducing in and by a mathematically precise, Divine (true, imperforate and of infinite beauty) and unbroken eternity.
The deterministic point of the realities of any two entities of the same world is expansive, unbroken and spans the entirety of both entities’ constitutions (continuous), yet, constrained by the lesser of both realities (of limits/ability/capability of reach). The deterministic point of the realities of any two entities or worlds of the same universe is continuous, and recursive and unconstrained by the characteristics of either reality (perpetual). The deterministic point of the realities of the Universe is an ‘event’ (continuous via the ‘entanglement‘ of infinite deterministic points), perpetual and ubiquitous – eternal.
An eternality fragmentation of continuum event is a second order ‘incompatibility’ – a break (dis-entanglement) in the compatibility continuum of existence and life, and the Universe: an unamalgamative emergence: a de-relationships and de-associations within constitution: a conceited encapsulation or malevolent ‘isolation occurrence’ (terminal continuity) – a ‘body’ reality.
The Recursive Eternal: the dis-entanglement, entanglement and re-Entanglement experience, exercise and expression of all things through all things for all things.
The deterministic events of existence and life: the progression to infiniteness; the regression to oneness.
The eternality determinacy: the deterministic events arising in concordance to the recursive eternal – equilibrium of continuum.
Consciousness is the physical being, all that is happening inside it, its cognitive and sensual reach as well as all phenomena that influence that reach as far out as the reach can travel. Therefore, consciousness is both bodily and spatial. Consciousness is an individual’s (entity of life) very own slice of the equilibrium of continuum.
grace: the non-diminishing, bountiful and synergic experience of eternality (the instantaneous or lasting broadening of the limits of the entity’s reality) within a consciousness AND the non-diminishing, bountiful and shared experience of amalgamated realities of the entities of the universe of being (essence).
Grace: the non-diminishing, bountiful and synergic interlocking and interactivity of entities, realities and essence.
Intrinsic Spirituality
In intrinsic spirituality, evil, wrong, bad, means a second order incompatibility bounded by the incommodious vestibules of time and memory. There are seven kinds of manifestations of incompatibilities:
- irregularity of the first order incompatibility – limitations of the second order Quantization (of restrictive/restrained/rescinded compatibilities and terminal continuity – blight)
- binary irregularity (of selfish, self-serving or self-centered philosophy of an entity – conceit)
- reciprocal irregularity (of selfish, self-serving or self-centered philosophy of opposing entities – conflict)
- cumulative irregularity (of lingering binary and smoldering reciprocal irregularities – war)
- extraneous irregularity (of parallel, opposite, contradictory and immiscible realities – discord)
- subversive irregularity (of lopsided Pol ratio / unilateral superfluity, lack, lag or abrasiveness in the compatibilities of engaging realities – compulsion, saturation, misses (mistake, miscommunication, misalignment, misconception…), fragmentation)
- corrective compatibility (of manifesting to temper irregularities or abate incompatibilities before or as they morph or mushroom – pain)
Formula for entities interactivity:
Phl – philosophy (coherence/cohesiveness of the constitution an entity or, and of communicable entities; the pertinence/degree of significance of the context of the encompassing reality or, and associated realities; and capacity and tolerance of the environments of interactivity – the probability of intrinsicalness, continuity or amalgamation)
Pol – potential (of the magnitude of the irregularity [destruct conflict and radical conflation] manifestable by the incompatibility)
d, d’, d” – depth (contraction [away from/less grace (g)] or expansion [towards/more grace (‘g)] or absorption [in Grace (”G)])
spirit of incompatibility (SI) = Phl x Pol; energy of irregularity (EI) = SI x d; spirit of compatibility (SC) = Phl’g (only of truths) x Pol’g (of the magnitude of affinity (communion and reciprocity) at the upper limits of associated entities’ realities); energy of corrective compatibility (EcC) = EI’g = ∑(SI x d’); energy of compatibility (EC) = SC x d’; energy of essence (EeC) = EC”G = ∑(SC x d”).
There are 2 kinds of compatibility and incompatibility: strong and weak. Strong compatibility (weak Pol) and weak incompatibility (strong Pol) exist within entities and their realities; strong incompatibility and weak compatibility exist between one entity with its reality and another.
The Art of Understanding (for the tolerance or transition of incompatibility and the transcension or transmutation of irregularity) has 8 elemental practices: sympathy, empathy, forgiveness, forbearance, prayer (hope, devotion, supplication and gratitude), origination/participation, science/artifice, sacrifice.
The practice of the elementals of the Art of Understanding is the ‘dispensation of grace’ – the edification of effectual spirit of interacting realities for the re-induction and re-establishment of Grace and grace through a secondary essence. Only entities of life can practice the Art of Understanding to reduce the magnitude of the irregularity, curtail its reach, redirect its primary course, and alter or dissolve its constitution.
‘grace’ (Grace, grace, and spirit) is the ‘dynamic of Present‘ continuum – the redistributive transducing of ‘energies’ as existential memory, from essence to essence in concurrent time and simultaneous spaces – across all realities, in conservancy of eternality and equilibrium, and in the preservation, restoration, ramification and proliferation of intrinsicalness, continuity and amalgamation for all constitutions, origins and subsequences of the Primordial Phenomena of Thing:
The Substantiality Continuum <= Gravitation <= The Quantum Kinetic Lattice <= Entanglement/entanglement <= compatibility/compatibilities <+ grace
Non-entities of life do not possess grace, but are connected infinitely to Grace, and possess composition and affinity that relate and/or entangle them in all dimensions to all things, all worlds and all universes experienced, expressed and exercised in and along the path to their singular origins. An entity of life can multiply its channels to more grace. That is, broaden the limits of its reality; that is, expand the capacity of consciousness – through love, intelligence and ‘Understanding’.
The non-diminishing and bountiful attribute of Grace and grace can be impeded but remain inextinguishable at the essence. Therefore, a ‘body’ reality while dis-entangled, remains essentially connected to all paths to its singular origin (entanglements). Interactive continuities are constituted along all paths experienced, expressed or exercised (compatibilities). An entity is impeded in Grace and grace by irregularities. The reinstitution of a continuity – the reinsertion of the entities of a ‘body’ reality into the constitution of continuity (re-Entanglement) – occurs at ‘terminal’ (a de-actuation to dissociation/disintegration or the manifestation of its ‘Outcome’ at full depth (d) – ‘death’).
Constituents of entities of life possess information, composition and affinity that relate and/or entangle them to constellations of the ‘universe of eternal ecosystems’ in interactivity with the entities’ realities, and to all things, all worlds and all universes experienced, expressed and exercised in and along the path to their singular origins, and to the emergences and subsequences of all divergences thereafter – ‘the universe of being’.
The ‘Outcomes’ of grace don’t remain within the entity or get transferred, distributed or reconstituted when destroyed as with ‘Outcomes’ of Grace; rather they get translated, transduced and adopted unitless into the eternal (perpetual and infinite and ubiquitous) ecosystems of pre-actuated tendencies, affinities, correspondences and relatabilities – mingling in unsectored Substantiality, to be adapted by or through entities (whether of life or non) in recursion (secondary essence) at the amalgam of participating realities.