Once the consequence outweighs the benefit and consumes the purpose,
furthering the cause becomes pointless.
The ambidextrous approach
To be truly efficient and unbiased is to apply the ‘ambidextrous approach’.
The social: not “what is good for the goose is good for the gander”,
but “that which is good is good for the goose and good for the gander”.
The economical: the demons hover on the strategy and the devil’s in the details.
And you exorcise them all at the sweet spot where top-down and bottom-up meet.
Curious and present
If you can discover the ‘Why’, you can figure out the ‘How’;
if you can figure out the ‘How’, you can define a ‘Why’;
if you can see the obvious, you can read the past and predict the future.
It is good practice
It is good practice to understand the structure of your commitments
that you may tell the subject from the object,
the source from the sink,
the ‘hold-on’ from the ‘let-go’;
for though the body is one and all parts equal by virtue of integrity,
you may not cut off the head to save the leg.
The greatest blows
The ‘nucleus’ of any relationship or confidence comprises of
mutuality and/or reciprocity of belief, trust, love and understanding,
which generate and sustain that relationship or confidence.
The greatest blows to be dealt the relationship or confidence between
two parties are blows dealt by either to the nucleus: the defilement
of belief, the betrayal of trust, love and understanding.
Life is the biggest ransom to which a person can be held;
and if one is prepared to lay down or give up that life
for what one loves or believes in,
then one has no fear;
and therefore, one has no enemies that can match one’s strength
when these same values are at stake;
for even if the battle may be lost,
the war is long won even before it begins.
A man?
What defines a man?
What signifies what a man is?
What is the ultimate test for manhood?
Is it that he can fight and throw punches,
or that he can fight for his rights?
Is it that he commands fear and respect and exudes authority,
or that he exemplifies humility and temperance by subjecting to authority?
Is it that he can show compassion from the heights of grandly status,
or that he can rise from oppression to elevated heights of fame and fortune?
Is it that he can show no fear and reveal no pain,
or that he can embrace vulnerability and remain human?
Is it that he has a way with the opposite sex,
or that he can make a way for them?
Is it that he can create, empower and control,
or that he can let go of power in order to re-create or salvage?
What defines a man?
What signifies what a man is?
What is the ultimate test for manhood?
The Marriage
The non-equality of the sexes
Equality between a man and a woman in the bio-socio-economic sphere is NOT about gender and societal constructs. Under a socioeconomic structure, gender is simply a qualifier – a subjective identifier. Gender is like a name – it’s important while you have it, but you can have it changed to conform to your needs at any time. Rather, the equality between a man and a woman is primarily about sex (the biology, not the chemistry) and social realities. In a socioeconomic structure, a man and a woman, and/or the male and the female and/or the masculine and the feminine are NOT equal equatable or interchangeable.
Outside of the right to live and breathe, the only realm a man and a woman can be equal is intellectually. Not indicating a man is superior to a woman or vice versa; but that they are different. Also not implying intelligence, because there are all sorts of intelligence. Intelligence is physiologically, biologically and environmentally influenced, such that given the near-infinite elements of any one individual’s intelligence matrix, there’s a near zero probability that the intelligence from any two humans are equitable; therefore, not a realm where a man and a woman can be equal, but simply another area of difference. The emergences of the feminine intelligence comport with substance (more of a continuum and orbital) while that of the male comport with essence (more targeted and quantized). And this does not diminish nor contradict the fact that the outcome from the exercise by both sexes can be wholly identical. ‘Intellectual’ is in the ability of a mind to produce tangibility utilizing facts acknowledged by same mind. Although inevitably, there are to be overlaps in qualities and values with both sexes, in the course of the experience, expression and exercise of life and reality, and through the interactions of the sexes and the evolution of ideals; it is in this realm of ‘Intellectual’ only, can the measurements of the equality of man and woman be a truthful bio-socio-economic set of metrics. Where a man and a woman agree on a basic set of facts or data, then equality can be found in the competence they bring to the table.
In a socioeconomic structure, a man and a woman can function to be complementary, and in the best case, can merge into a union or a superunit born of love and reciprocity. There are two dynamics at play in the union of a man and a woman: the scatter dynamic and the oneness dynamic. In a simple union (sex, the chemistry), the scatter dynamic is at play (lust). In a complex union like love, the oneness dynamic is at play. This second dynamic does have the power to dispel all conflict in differences, and make same differences attributes of compatibility. Given the numerous forces that run counter to or at least out of sync with any course of perpetuity or eternality of state – evolution, biology, physiology, experience and personal disposition, socio-biological environmental, prevailing socioeconomic structures – the challenges of ever-complete and forever-lasting compatibility is incredibly steep and therefore rear. Nevertheless, when true love is initiated, Understanding, intelligence and hardwork help progress, sustain or prolong the viable duration of any complex union. In other words, each party brings their best, their complete and their incorruptible self to every aspect and at every point in the union. A complex union in violation of this is in peril of counter forces prevailing.
So, in fact, the true pursuit and congruently, the right context in which to compact and contest the attributes of the sexes is therefore not “equality” but “equity” – discriminate and wholesome equity. Full and indiscriminate equality of the sexes on the other hand, means to negate the fundamental physiological differences in favor of socio-intellectual conceptions while at the same time taking advantage of biological and evolutionary inherencies at the expense of having social and economic constructs evolve correspondingly.
The resolution is the marriage of evolved carnality and intrinsic spirituality in response to the evolution of both the physiological and the intellectual – that the plethora and spectra of divergences and diversities of all that make us human are still anchored to the evolutionary foundations and fundamentals of all that make us human.
- Male: has a penis and the testicular gonad to go with.
- Female: has a vagina, ovarian gonad and the reproductive system to go with.
- Masculine: strong and gentle.
- Feminine: soft yet powerful.
The masculine is a supernova or a white hole; the feminine is a black hole or a wormhole.
- Masculinity: specific in its exhibition and expansion through capacity and capability; in other words, ‘goal’ and ‘tactic’ oriented.
- Femininity: universal in its attraction and assimilation through diversity and versatility; in other words, ‘systems and ‘strategy’ oriented.
- Man: all male, all masculine, and any universal attribute for the acquisition and control of resources within a socioeconomic structure.
- Woman: all female, all feminine, and any specific attribute to access and mold resources within a socioeconomic structure.
High-quality women have impeccable values, high-value men have outstanding qualities.
- Values of a High-quality Woman: intelligent, nurturing-dutiful-faithful, kind, generous, modest, meek and contentable.
- Qualities of High-value Man: interesting, respected, resourceful, capable, leader-protector-provider, rational and fit.
A man is sufficiently high-value if through masculine prowess and competence, secures and establishes a tangible product or palpable condition at the other side if his qualities, that serves to benefit those around him, his community and the world at large. E.g. resource, authority, father, president, master.
A woman is essentially high-quality if, while maintaining her innate purity, her femininity and her sensuality, she becomes a source of sustenance at the other side of her values, which serves her wellbeing, her family and the society at large. E.g. recourse, counselor/instructor/teacher, administrator, doctor/healer/begetter, author/artist/model.
- Alpha: one who’s given into or is completely taken over by primal masculine traits or unbridled male instincts, affording him the ability to seed as far and as wide as possible, and exhibiting superiority over other men in the pursuit of this, and sexual and sensual dominance over women in their compliance and alliance with this pursuit.
- Beta: one who has applied intellect in order to curb, shape or tame alphadom in conformity and alliance with prevailing societal or communal norms and expectations.
- Omega: highest point of oneness with oneself, life, existence and the universe.
- Neo: having been betarized, one who then attains or seeks to attain alphadom via omegasm
- Omegasm: secondary paths to alphadom offering awareness of self and the truths of life.
- Sigma: a beta who seeks shortcuts to alphadom off the Omegasm path.
- Omega-beta: a Neo wilding power and authority, whose alphahood is defined and constrained by adherence to social and cultural requirements and expectations within the confines of a socioeconomic structure, yet whose raw masculine traits or male instincts are palpable, in exhibition or evident.
- Neo-alpha: a high-value man who attains alphadom through the mastery of the art of alphary while remaining true to omegasm.
- Omega-alpha: a Neo who having attained a spectrum of omega, fully resurrects his alphaness then lets it rip and lets the chips fall where they may.
- Zeta: a male of the alphadom spectrum, who moves unencumbered and emulously through manhood, and freely and admiringly in female and feminine spaces.
- Hypergamy: The state of mind of a woman to seek out the alpha or an equivalent paradigm.
- Gandria: a woman who optimizes her value-set in order to attract and retain access to gene, high-valueness and/or overall protection and companionship of an alpha.
Hypergandria is the mindset of a Gandria.
- Nareova: a woman or female who adopts, embodies, assumes and nurtures masculine qualities within her femininity to numb her natural dependencies on a male, fortify her vulnerabilities to nature, or shield her frame from prevailing societal or communal norms and expectations, while boosting to her advantage, any statute of beneficial use from said norms and expectations.
Maranareovum is the mindset of a Nareova.
- Garaya: A female who regulates her value-set (leveling up, leveling down or leveling out) as necessary to attract an alpha or retain a capable beta in order to consummate fundamental needs of her nature:
- Sex
- Security (this includes certainty of companionship)
- Social satisfaction
Hypergaraya is the mindset of a Garaya.
- Gamma: a male who forges the capacity within a socioeconomic structure, to devise or generate resources and/or acquire power and authority, and to exploit ensuing norms, needs, desires, requirements, privileges, benefits or loopholes in order to accentuate augment or promote his masculinity and manly appeal to the envy of admiring men and the pleasure of adoring females.
- Alpha-gamma: an alpha in a socioeconomic structure, who seeks out and establishes a complex union with a high-quality woman.
Frame is non-disillusioned entitlement. Game is how you express frame – that is, through wealthiness of character and person (masculine frame) and richness of behaviors and personality (feminine frame). Divorcing game from frame is like abiding the aesthetics without the functionality — it can only take you so far before the splendor is worn-out and the superficiality is exposed. Frame is the mental, emotional, physical and metaphysical dimensions of your person – from within to without – that define the limits of your abilities, capabilities and capacities to control to the degree needed, all worlds that approach, or that you qualify for entry, or that breach those limits.
A man should never compromise the boarders of his frame and always augment, aka, expand the limits. A woman should always conserve the contents of her frame and never abdicate, aka, safeguard the limits.
A man’s frame is his primary agency and his most potent asset. A woman’s frame is her most potent agency and her primary asset.
At what limits is a man’s frame the strongest? Is it when it’s expanded to accommodate the entire universe? No; his intellect, yes, but not his frame. A man’s frame is strongest at the masculine singularity.
Masculine singularity: the point in the expansion of limits when the content of a man’s frame attains undiminishability and his boundaries, incorruptible; yet, remains fluid and can no longer be threatened from encounter with any and all social, economic, cultural or ethical intersections, while his game reaffirms dominance and subdues or sustains, structures or restructures, directs or redirects the situation at will. At the masculine singularity, a man is a tried-and-true Dr of affisto.
Dr affisto: the composure of being and execution of convictions attained through discipline and a strong sense of responsibility to act with fortitude (endurance, perseverance, resilience) and formidability and to institute survival and thriving opportunities for as many co-existences as possible.
At what limen is a woman’s frame sufficiently abundant? A woman’s frame is sufficiently abundant at the feminine inflation.
Feminine inflation: the stage when the contents of the feminine frame reaches its optimal innate fertility, or when the conservation capacity and capability at the threshold of the feminine frame is at maximum latent fortitude. A woman retains the path to peak fertility when she continuously and successfully preserves hum. A woman realizes rejuvenative fortitude when she virtuously and judiciously maturates iva.
hum: humble, unpretentious and modest – soul and exterior disposition. ‘humble’ is a woman being unpretentious about the content of her frame and the context of her game. ‘modest’ is a woman being unpretentious in the exhibition of her frame and the execution of her game.
iva: integrity, vulnerability and accountability – mind and interior life. For the feminine, there’s no accountability without vulnerability; there’s no integrity without accountability; and the fundamentals of integrity are the foundations of true vulnerability.
Fundamentals of integrity: self awareness, self-respect and self-abandonment to the pursuance of hum & iva.
Spring, distinct
In men, desire pervades as potentially insatiable, which produce a sexual compulsion. This compulsion causes the masculine to need to construct reality to portray as much of the female and feminine archetype as possible and for the male to experience as many variations of it as possible.
In women desire percolates as non-finitely compounding, and propels towards a subject of intimacy affinity. This affinity causes the feminine to shape reality and to conceive of only the better versions of the male and masculine archetypes, and for the female to need to experience the best version possible.
The male is responsive to the affinity but repulsed by excessive intimacy desire. The female is responsive to the sexual desire but repulsed by the compulsion.
Fatal-less Attraction
It’s perfectly normal for the interaction or close contact between a non-relative male and female to turn sexual. What credo, principles or response codification is therefore called for, in order to preserve value and quality and safeguard against social, psychological and moral decadence?
The male:
- Do not get involved and have sexual relationship with a woman who is already involved.
- Do not get involved and then have sexual relationship with a woman in a disadvantaged situation on the basis of the disadvantage.
- Do not have sexual intercourse with a woman without her explicit arousal consent – that is, verbally or with her body, and with no contradiction in cues.
- Do not follow with your lower brain or decipher any contradicting cues from outside of your logic quarters.
The female:
- Be unequivocal about your stance in the interaction or space.
- Do not lead with your feelings.
- Do not exploit any gender advantages or disadvantages (e.g., flirting or threatening) unless you’re ready to accept any and all outcomes that may ensue.
- Extricate yourself from any compromising or threatening circumstance that may unfavorably exacerbate the exercise of will and bodily power.
In the aftermath
If ‘variety’ is the spice of life,
‘anticipation’ is the appetizer.
Anticipation has the capacity to embellish any and everything
with splendor, glamor and impeccability, or with honor, irrevocability or supposition
– except the aftermath.
And in the aftermath, we see things as is: the good, the bad and the ugly.
Three ways of love
Ultimately, there are three ways to express love,
three ways to experience being loved:
- intimacy,
- appreciation, and
- creating or being given the opportunity for a most desired experience or accomplishment.
Fear for the preciously held
Sometimes, the fear of abuse to something held as precious
is far greater than the fear of its destruction – because with abuse,
the purpose of preciousness is defeated, the essence ravished,
and the damage is malignant.
With its destruction however, the preciously held is put to rest,
dignity intact.
The ultimate Principle of Competition
In the heat of battle,
never underestimate your opponent,
never look-up to your opponent either.
Where you see weakness, exploit,
when you smell blood, finish.
In the heat of battle with your back against the wall,
do not bow to the ground or hunker down
– standup straight, eye to eye, toe to toe; if you must go out,
go out swinging;
and if owing to this you force any sort of equilibrium,
without reproach, tilt the scale to bring down at the other end,
a debacle of epic proportions.
‘Understanding’ is the gateway to acceptance, forgiveness and resolve
for a bereaved heart;
‘Justice’ for a soul suffering indignation;
and as much as ‘Nothing’ for a mind in oblivion
– for it has seen no evil and heard no evil,
and therefore, has known no pain and is in need of no relief
– and its ignorance is its bliss.
What all others can’t
There are two spots where being there, it’s hard to stay humble:
all the way at the very top, and all the way at the very rock-bottom.
Because, in both cases, if sanity is kept,
you see what all others cannot, unless you bring it to them.
There are 4 axes of ‘Understanding’:
- the ‘Aah!’ – the comprehension
- the ‘Aww!’ – the compassion
- the ‘Hmm!’ – the caution
- the ‘Hi!’ – the communion
information is the building structure of communication that reveals the true constitution of any reality (truth).
knowingness is the portal or spectrum of awareness and conscientiousness that affords any subject or object within a reality, the characteristics of ‘truth’.
communication is the reciprocity of compatibilities between realities that share a ‘corridor of love‘ (respect) and the same subjectivity or objectivity of knowingness, from which information is spectrally dispersed in its fullest, finest and most intrinsic.
love is the fundamental affinity for ‘truth’ and allegiance to ‘respect’, constituting all avenues to ‘Understanding’ – spanning from exposition to disposition and from inception to action – without contempt or conspiracy.
In the race for efficiency
In the race for efficiency and productivity,
‘Experience’ will almost always out-pace ‘Brilliance’,
because, while Brilliance builds-up, Experience makes-up.
However, ‘Intelligence’ establishes the level running tracks
– whichever possesses the fuller of it breasts the tape.
Sex: an art; an act of dominance, a source
of pleasure; a dose of tranquility; a proof of love; an episode of paradise;
a token of affection; a(n) (i)legal tender; a basic instinct; the ceremony
of procreation; a cupid’s arrow; an Achilles’ heel.
Wayward, yet
There are a plethora of sexual desires, nuances and preferences – whether socially assimilated or yet not. Sensual fetish and perverseness is the way evolution ensures that sex and procreation, intimacy and universal connection abound. The response is not to be control and ostracization born of fear and culturalization, but rather, the search for enlightenment born of love, intelligence and Understanding.

What’s the difference between opinion and reality? Opinion is two people experience the same thing (reality) and see it differently. Reality is: (a.) two people objectively experience the same thing irrespective of how they see it and regardless of influences (b.) two people objectively experience different things based on their distinct and separate socioeconomic, biological, geographical and cultural influences (realities) (c.) two people express and exercise differently – regardless of the substance of the reality (subjective, objective, connotative, denotative, covert, overt, etc.) – their distinct and separate socioeconomic, biological, geographical and cultural experiences (truths).
Macfitz’s Law of Social Relativity:
How do you measure a poor man? By a rich man.
How do you measure a rich man? By a poor man.
If there is no “tall”, then there is no “short”;
if there is no “short”, then there is no “tall”.
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king;
in the land of 11inches, the midget is colossus;
in the universe of Zeuses, Achilles is a feeble mortal.
State of undenial
Inherent to the human perception of ‘beauty’, and adoration of what is ‘beautiful’ is:
symmetry, novelty, and lure of the sensational.
Even a combination of any two is a most powerful phenomenon that the human mind is in no state to deny.
Every ideology – civil or uncivil – is the sum of the perceptions of an immediate, remote or conceptualized environment, or comes from one or more pre-existing ideologies.
The deeper an ideology is driven to be most regarded as a matter of fact, the more it claims distinction, isolates its premises and claims independence of all others, and by way of its self-proclaimed self-sufficiency, can define all worlds as a function of its premises. Those who at this point remain still or are born into this ideology, are or become:
(a) convinced beyond all reasonable doubt of its authenticity (b) conflicted by the occasion of reasonable doubt and conviction in their same space of mind (c) sentimental to part, indifferent to rest (d) confined by the fear of the possible realization/manifestation of its propositions and predictions or by fear of the unknown lurking in the vacuum that would be created by a departure.
Those who leave are:
(1) Enlightened (2) wounded beyond all redemption realms offered by the ideology (3) lured out and into another (4) still searching (5) self-sustained by their own ideals and are in need of no other.
And those who have never sought solace in any ideology, will at some point or the other – by fate or by fire – for a sore emptiness, integral fragility and compounding insatiability exist where understanding is void; hence an impending initiation. Unless…
Unless understanding is otherwise formed by the natural truths of the universe and sufficiently instructed through pure branches of empirical, creative and non-subjective education.
The 4 laws of freedom
- The integrity of anything and the knowledge derivable from it are only as useful as the value/values attributable to it
- The individual or collective wisdom (application of knowledge and the preservation of integrity) surrounding anything can never surpass the value or set of values assigned its existence
- Values can be resigned, reassigned or reconstituted as many times as necessary to relegate extinction, assure propagation or secure subsistence
- Therefore, all values are expendable and expandable
To be civil
To be civil is:
to be constructively objective and creatively subjective;
to build your intellectual and social foundation, structure and architecture with invariable facts and populate the interior with noble beliefs;
to set the dinner-table-for-all on common grounds and bring to the table meals that are at least edible.
To be civil is not to be modern, global or sophisticated – civility is neither vain nor imposing.
To be civil is to live and let live, to speak and let speak, and at any given time, to be undeterrably willing to invest in the highest rule of civilization – Peace.
And if peace is indisputably unattainable, then we are any or everything but civilized.
Mechanics of all moral, civil and ethical compasses
Everything in existence constitutes an integral part of one or more environments.
Every environment houses a nucleus*.
Whatever is done to preserve or augment that nucleus is good/right;
whatever is done to detract or destroy the nucleus is bad/wrong.
*Environmental nucleus: the natural, societal, communal or self-preservation mainstay – that which ensures equity, longevity and prosperity for every member of the environment’s constitution.

Words can’t can
There are two kinds of words:
those that you make
and those that make you.
There are two kinds of words that you make:
those that construct
and those that destruct.
There are two kinds of words that make you:
those that you empower – by subscription to their connotations
and those you disempower – by denouncement of their inflammatory denotations
Because, until that day when words jump out of a mouth or page, armed with a dagger and stabs you in your physical eye, your mind’s eye remains adequately equipped and physiologically capable of obliterating any and all proverbial vocables and offensives.
Words can be distasteful, corrosive and derisive,
but words can never be lethal or fatal,
unless of course they are that other kind of words we make – that destruct: those lying, account-distorting, character-deforming, back-stabbing words that morph into reality and define the terms, influence the juror and prescribe judgments against.
Yet, the culprit or the accomplice is not to be the words – they are merely the tools.
It is, however, for the ears and hearts on which words land to seek out and relish only the truth.
Word count
Words are powerful,
but their strength is a product of three things:
the meaning, the interpretation and the manner of acceptance –
Words are mummified breath
until understanding brings them to life.
It is in the ability of the listener to ascribe to a word,
no more power than its constructive interpretations,
even when the obvious intent of the source is destruction, division, distortion.
Without recourse to malice,
reject the falsehood,
correct the miss and
communicate the bright side of the word,
by any means necessary –
including words.
Word con con
Every word is a construct. They serve to define a reality, and as such, words are innately neutral and in themselves cannot be evil. But construct of a fabricated reality is: a myth, a fiction, a lore, an illusion, a misconstruction, a fallacy, a falsity, a deception or a lie – that once passed off as reality, biases its neutrality. Therefore, a word that is a construct of construct can be a highly effective tool of evil. And a construct of a construct that espouses evil in any way, in every way or at its core and transitions from a tool for the expression, definition and translation of reality, into an operational ideal (functional in its manifestation in living, live or life’s spaces), is no longer a word, but a consciousness that needs to either be: (1) domiciled from all worlds and universes in which it poses incompatibility and produces irregularities, or (2) re-tooled as a re-construct in all worlds and universes of association; and if made divine enough, resurrected.
Expressio con can
While words con con and can’t can, expressions can. Expressions CAN draw literal blood and cause physical harm. Expressions are always visceral, having motive and matter.
Expressions are word, act, art or artifice that is audible, visible, tangible or palpable to the heart, mind, soul and body; conveying an idea, ideal, context or disposition from one state, realm, entity or platform to, into or onto another.
While there is only one kind of expression with others (expression is simply expression), there are two kinds of expressions with word: expression as a blazon and rubric of language for the purpose of communication and elucidation; and expression of creation for the purpose of execution.
A word becomes an expression when it is given acquires or assumes structure, purpose and agency.

That very thin line
How do you strike the balance in upholding freedom of speech, defending very fundamental human values that are indispensable to sustenance, progress and prosperity of a society or community and rejecting ascriptions to decadence that run contrary and bare traits and spew threats that would otherwise destroy them? Where, how do you draw the line? Where or how is that line found – that very thin line – between the freedom that most accompany any expression and imagination, and the benefit or disaster that emanates from acceptance and execution? First, it needs to be clear: ‘normalization’ by free speech is not a validity. The phenomenon of normalization must not be seen as being within the scope of free speech. normalization is of the arena of acceptance and execution. The mere expression, no matter how frequent, whether noble or vile, cannot be considered an aspect of a normalization process.
Normalization is when the subject is no longer being debated, but in acceptance, is considered a bona fide option for execution. Secondly, it is imperative that to rise to the level of an ideal, an idea needs to unequivocally clear FACT based ethical and judicial standard set directly through laws or indirectly through culture, tradition or communal values; standards that themselves crystallized from open respectful discourse and investigations around commonalities as well as differences; noting that a society hostile or indifferent to differences is open to being proliferated with laws, culture, tradition or communal values based solely on sentiments, superstitions, close-minded opinion, “bubble syndromes” (echo chambers, group think) and other non-facts, and runs the risk in the short run and guarantee the inevitability in the long run, of blurring and eventually erasing that very thin line at every instant, and producing the unintended consequences of social maladies (fear, xenophobia, prejudice…).
Yes, freedom of speech is the holy grail of liberty, yet we must resist becoming both intellectual immune and socially immobilized by the inherent dilemma and paradox of free speech: that words have the power to create and the power to destroy – but just not through words. So, as sure as we must let freedom of speech reign and prevail, is as sure as we have the responsibility and obligation to be clear about what values are permissible for normalization – for acceptance and execution. As forcefully as we advocate free speech, we must, without reserve, advocate education on the distinction between the preservation of freedom of speech and the preservation of culture, tradition or communal values that nourish and sustain fundamental human values.
Yes, opinions do matter,
but facts do ‘matter’ – they do the concrete.
And even where a point of view
is championed by a majority or the elite few,
evidence still takes precedence.
Ignorance is to be clueless.
Naiveté is to be clueless about the cluelessness.
Stupidity is to know of the cluelessness and act in favor of it.
Indifference is not to find the need to understand the cluelessness.
Negligence is to understand the benefits and consequences of cluelessness, and not to find the need to act in favor of the benefits.
Wickedness is to act in absence of ignorance and naiveté such that the benefit is to you and the consequence is to others.
The Eternal Doctrine of Human Subsistence and Coexistence – The love of other and love of self
- For the love of other:
- For love of the first ‘other’ (aka The Golden Rule): the ethics of reciprocity: “Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?”, the student asked. “How about ‘shu’ (reciprocity)”, the master replied, “never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” – Confucius [550 BCE], Analects of Confucius (other proponents of The Golden Rule: Gautama Buddha [560BCE]; Isocrates, Ancient Greece [430BCE]; Mahabharata (Hinduism) [400BCE]; Jesus (Christ) (of Nazareth) [7BCE to 33AD]; Muhammad [600AD])
- For love of the second ‘other’: ethics of disposition to the humane – of all stakeholders and beneficiaries of Universal Commons: Respect life, and be kind to nature.
- For love of self: the ethics of dignity or self-respect: esteem; yet, docility; yet, everything (all deeds) in moderation, even moderation in moderation.
Evolving in the wrong
We may find ourselves begin to evolve in the wrong – blurring the lines so much that we almost can no longer distinguish a virtual inconsequential from a tangible reality; our social value structures beginning to feed on themselves and on each other; our intelligence thresholds beginning to plot below the axis; it becoming a norm, an admirable disposition, a highly appraised ‘virtue’ to:
- Confuse an idea with an identity
- Stereotype the stereotype: to make the erroneous conclusion that when one says “good”, one had assumed it was of the spectrum of ‘bad’ in the first place – that ‘not-good’ and ‘bad’ are equivalent
- Conflate the criticism of an idea with the attack on a person’s societal status – promoting the outrageous conception that a person’s opinion or personal beliefs determine the person’s communal rights
- Distort the fact that the art that is culture and the art that is an idea are exactly the same, but for the social consciousness that grants the former the status of “respected”, which deserved as it may, should be no more than the latter
- Tangle up the wish to be respected in the web of a right to ‘be’
- Be politically correct about a socially incorrect structure – like ranking lower on the order of ‘disturbing’ and higher on the scale of ‘tolerance’, the feelings another derives from hers/his opinions and beliefs and their need to satisfy them or have them remain unchallenged, then tagging any challenge of such opinions and beliefs as ‘micro-aggression’. Ranking them as most critical over actions that are derived from said opinions and beliefs – as in stoning, honor killing, deprivation of human rights – while allowing these slip through as ‘culture’, ‘tradition’, ‘religion’, and ultimately, ‘untouchable’.
- Be socially mobilized about a civically impracticable proposition; be socially correct yet societally incongruous; to be socially aware and be societally miseducated and civically inept: (a) like ranking words spoken as more definitive than actions taken in contradiction (b) be grossly negligent of responsibility to act in favor of freedom, but cognizant to protest spoken words, yet dissonantly doing so with free speech (c) to assert that ‘a lesser mitigable evil’ is not an option in the face of an only other and absolutely no other option but ‘an evil of greater magnitude, immitigable and irrevocably coursed’ (d) to expend energy and resources on vocal and written diatribes in response to racist and xenophobic tendencies, only to shy away from the activism of physical presence and bodily engagement that dismantle the platforms of fascist and despotic empowerment (e) transforming into a tribalistic society of social cannibals – loathing the other under the influence of the social malady of reverse intolerance: (i) intolerance to intolerance – intolerance to any deviancy as basic as an idea, opinion or ideal, under the guise of moral, social, ethical and cultural justice (ii) incubating their own in a bubble of totemic indoctrination; ostracizing them from truth and accountability – at all cost (iii) eating their young over the misguided pursuit of social puritanism.
- That the whole is not the sum of its parts, but rather either the sum of its woes or the sum of its bests. That what you are and can be forward is less consequential than what you did or were past. That the truth is not a coherent thoroughness, but a freelance interpretation of scattered data points.
When it does happen, we will have sacrificed common sense, communal consciousness and truth on the altar of our differences.
The ‘present’ should mean ‘improvement’, and the ‘future’ should mean ‘advancement’. However, the history of history is one of evolutions and devolutions. History is not a mold for eras; it is not a map for the present day nor a blueprint for the future. History is more like a potter’s wheel. Each revolution is the passing of time with no stake in the construct of the substance in time. The construct of the substance is a product of living in the ‘present’ without disregard for the ‘future’– a product of the potter’s hands. The only context to be snatched wholly from history is ‘acknowledgment’ and ‘awareness’. Not dogma nor allegiance nor mandate. Acknowledgment of the ignobilities along with the glories of times preceding; and awareness of the ups and downs, gains and misses, wisdom and ignorance of the past – in order to create (improve and advance) in the present and for the future.
They say the only constant thing in life is change. But the only constant thing in life is resistance to change. Life is an ensemble of objectives and is itself an objective of nature – survival and augmentative replication (aka, evolution). Change in any aspect of life is a response to advantages or obstacles along the path to an objective. This response manifests as a return to base or first principle, an adoption and adaptation or a deviation from course for the purpose of re-establishing cause, which often call for expanded or new paths and added goals. Independent change does not exist in isolation of a reconfiguration or reinvention towards still a prevailing cause and the primal objective. Except, in the clash of change resistances; that is, the clash of realities, the product of which is a pure change – like a union, a birth, a break or a stray – beholding now to the cause and primal objective that set the clash in motion.
The only constant thing in life is resistance to change. There are only supported, coercionary or negotiated restorative or developmental shifts and occasionally, independent permutations as an outcome of pursuits within a more dominant cause and primal objective (aka, change).
Every chaos has a potential of an infinite number of orders and every order has a potential of a boundless magnitude of chaos. The entirety of existence and life is a sequence, series and sums of laborious, seamless or hybrids of their transpositions, moving from chaos to orders and order to chaoses. Therefore, there’s no such thing as a purposeless chaos, and no such thing as an impregnable order.
Order is not a default state of the universe; chaos is. Chaos always proceeds order. For every life, there’s a millions ways to die; for every construction, there are a million ways of destruction – a million paths back to default. But order is the preferred state of all affairs, natural or otherwise, because it is the only means of taming the destructive and attritive nature of chaos, and procuring stability, sustainability and longevity. Even the preciseness of the cosmos, the harmonies of nature and the gains of evolution materialized over time (an immense period of time) as a function of pursuit in the direction of the preferred; the Constitution, the Ten Commandments, ethics, moral and civil laws are all attempts to instill or draw order from chaos. The beautiful thing about order is it’s both a science and an art: it is a function of the natural universe owing to the laws of physics; it materializes from establishing a function definable by anyone at anytime in anyplace. ‘Order’ is directly proportional to ‘function’ – the higher the degree of order, the more efficient the functionality; zero order equals zero functionality. A high level of activity does not amount to a high level functionality – loading the activity does not mean meeting the function. Order is the unequivocal path (activity) to the unequivocal goal (function) – activity subjected to order is functionality. By defining the function – by determining what the goal and objective is, and determining its reachability and how – you can map out degrees of order even in the most infinite spread of chaos. Chaos erupted in a well-established order will be challenged at the boundaries of the order. Even with the most destructive and attritive of chaos, order will only fracture about the paths of patterns, processes and procedures fundamental and/or foundational to the establishment – an explosion will still obey the laws of physics; a criminal will need to bend, break or subvert the rules in commencement of the crime. Such is the power of order: an order that is graceful to its constituents when fractured, will produce a chaos that is more or less graceful to its constituents; an order that is menacing to its constituents when fractured, will produce a chaos that is ruthless to its constituents; an order that is constructed to impact maximum destruction, will in fulfilling its functionality, produce a devastation that is possibly unstoppable.
In the art and science of it, order is systematically realized in the course of meeting a function through dedication to and perseverance in the activity; following which, an inclinations towards stability rather than towards the default, becomes the prevailing and overwhelming tendency.
The Great Order
THE JUDGEMENT, the judicature, the justice that dictates the frequency, the magnitude and the intensity of tendencies; binds to fulfilment, and restrains or retrieves from stray.
THE SUMMONING to association or integration under the ordinance of constituents being and remaining independent yet interdependently indispensable in impeccable oneness and intrinsicalness.
A NEW CREATION OR RE-BIRTH – the generation or regeneration to continuity: In consensus with the attainment of fulfilment and the preservation of intrinsicalness – in the event of (1) constricted oneness and compulsive productivity from conceited independence, and (2) inordinate & unbridled tendencies, and immature & regressive criticalities from irrevocable stray – that recovery or rediscovery, and reestablishment or reinstatement are brought about by transformation, translation, or transition from suffering adulteration, attrition and decadence to procuring coherence, sustainability and recuperativeness.
When dealing with Authority
When dealing with Authority, your first responsibility is to show respect – as long as the cause that establishes that Authority continues to exist for the pursuit and attainment of civility and equity; as long as the figure of authority remains representative of that cause. When dealing with Authority, the key is to separate the individual from the office of his/her authority, and assess if the individual is dispensing a personal agenda or the office’s; then raise him/her to the level of the office with respectful communication – with the understanding that any who dedicates to a cause in its purity in devotion to its principles, is incapable of being defiant of it, unless s/he first of all kills her/his conscience; because “what a person believes in is the air his/her soul breaths”. If you assess s/he as moved by motive ulterior to the cause, and as showing determination to defile the glories of the office, then treat him/her as you would an individual against whom your powers may be unmatched: “Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand” (Luke 14:31).
What is ‘truth’?
(1) Truth is any utterance, exercise or experience that produces or induces the same effect for the same ‘domain of occurrence’: on the same breed regardless of the level of participation, irrespective of the participator, for the same cause, under the same conditions, in the same place and period; and is unchangeable by any factor inside of this domain (2) Truth is any utterance, exercise or experience that produces the same effect without causing an alteration to the domain of occurrence for as many times the truth is expressed.
Truth is therefore a function of time, space, state and purpose, immutable and infallible only within its own domain. All truths are ‘fallacies’ when expressed outside their domain of occurrence.

The duality of true
The belief system of a heart that is pro-social at the level of the person but civically or communally conservative (libertarian) can appear anti-societal to a mind that is pro-social at the level the group. The belief system of a heart that is pro-social at the level of the group but civically or communally progressive (latitudinarian) can strike as anti-societal to a mind that is pro-social at the level the person.
This is because the libertarian mindset abhors internal incohession, adulteration of wholesomeness and constriction of independencies – of the individual or the society, while the latitudinarian mindset abhors external discrimination, decentralized and deregulated equity and constraints to freeness – of the individual or the society.
The liberal mindset is the heart and mind that is in tune with the free-flowing adoption of ideas and functions at any level for both the individual and the society without conflict, compromise or contradiction. The liberal mindset is not one that is biased or coopted by either system of belief, but rather is one that practices pragmatic selflessness and objective passion. The liberal mindset bases judgement on what’s true and real, understanding that what is true and real is subject to the specific context and environment in play – conceived or perceived. A true liberal mindset understands the difference between morality and ethics and advocates their preservation, non-conflation and the realization of their aims.
What’s the difference between ethics and morality within the mindset of the liberal? Ethics is a value premise set at the level of the society to protect the individual (or member), whereas morality is set at the level of the individual to protect the society (or community). Law is set as preventive, punitive or corrective measures to immoral and/or unethical actions detrimental to the individual or society. The fundamental value set of a libertarian, latitudinarian or a liberal mindset is basic civility and primal decency. Basic civility and primal decency is axiomatic. Where and when this is not the case, then some depth of infiltration, corruption or contamination of base ideals has prevailed at both the individual AND the societal level.
Goose, bump
Consider the goose that lays the golden egg:
- Discrimination of the first kind (obvious): a declaration that the produce of the goose is for a chosen few
- Discrimination of the second kind (sophisticated): a declaration that the produce of the goose is for ALL. But then, you need a silver spoon to eat the golden egg
- Discrimination of the third kind (insidious): a declaration that the produce of the goose is to be shared evenly to ALL. And the share set before you is an equity-slice and from the golden egg. How do you know this for a fact? Because it’s in the rule book – written by the chosen few.
Keep or Kill
Respect is not to be earned, it is to be preserved. Your first and foremost responsibility to any entity in the universe is the unbiased, unsolicited and unconditional grant of respect; it is then up to the entity to keep it or kill it.
Sexual healing
Treat sex with respect and you’ll get the right answer. Treat sex with reverence or indifference and you get suppressive repressive intellectual and emotional bondage on one end, and decadence and adulteration on the other. Treat sex with respect and you’ll get the right answer; treat it otherwise, and what you get is the flourishing and compounding of ignorance at best, then depravity and inhumanity at worst.
Imperfect devil
“no one is perfect”; “everyone makes mistakes”; “everybody has a price”; “there is a clause to be attached to any value or principle for a large enough prize or loss”; “if the cost is high enough, if the interest is strong enough, bias is inevitable” – there’s a devil in every saint – even the devil’s own stance can be logical. As for a saint in every devil, the jury is still out.
The Psychology of a Broken Soul
No matter how insignificant you view the troubles of a burdened soul, listen and do everything in your power to alleviate. Because, if left not unwoven, a grievance of conviction is sooner or later expressed as aggravation, aggression and/or extinction to self or other.
The extremism boomerang
In the pursuit of any cause no matter how noble it’s origin,
there’s always room in the fringes for the emergence of extremism – and sometimes
with the propensity to go mainstream by the accumulation of populace’s engagement, elite-sway or mob-reign desires, or propulsion by unmitigated grievances.
There are two kinds of extremists:
one, a drastic measure to have a voice,
the other, an erratic rancor to stifle a voice;
one forged in the furnace of oppression and suppression,
the other weaned in the cradle of indoctrination and bigotry;
one, an ill to the society and shouldn’t have to be,
the other, an ill to the society and should never be;
the cure of one is understanding,
the cure of the other is education;
both, the responsibility of any and all to be the resource for healing,
because even the least amount of giving has the capacity to catalyze their decay.
Otherwise, one can and will beget the other.
“You can’t handle the truth!”
Knowledge is power; understanding is the assimilation of it, communication is the dispensation of it, wisdom is the application of it, truth is the proof of it. If your understanding is dim rather than thorough, your communication distorted rather than efficient, and your wisdom, selfish rather than benevolent, then yes, you can’t and shouldn’t handle the truth.
The Proximity Paradox
There is a characteristic common to both ‘good’, and ‘evil’: the effect of proximity – a perception defined by the degree of closeness (physical, sensory, emotional, intellectual and temporal) of the source, medium or receptor to the respective percept (‘good’, or ‘evil’); a proportionality phenomenon – a psycho-physio-socio-physical Doppler effect: even when the sum total of their effects are the same, even when their outcomes equate, the closer a medium to the percept – the more vivid, literal or fantastic the perception – the more magnified the construct around it and the more magnified the prompt to engage with or disengage from it; the farther or less conspicuous the percept, the more obscure the perception and the more diminished the construct and participation; the more closely connected you are with the source or receptor of a good or an evil, the more you will be perceived to be an embodiment of the good or the evil; the further removed or remotely associated you are with it, the less you are perceived as defined by the good or the evil.
Who is more evil, who more espouses good, which most merits the responsive priority:
Walking away from a baby drowning in front of you, or ignoring an announcement of a baby drowning a block away?
The images of a drowning child, or the announcement about a drowning child?
One who feeds and shelters (or rejects) the needy in front of her/him, or one who lends aid (or rejects) the needy at the boarders?
One who rescues another from the jaws of death, or one who passes the law for the one’s survival?
A drone strike on an enemy, or a machete massacre on an enemy?
Destruction of millions by deceit, or destruction of one by active participation?
The measure ought not to be ‘closeness’ but ‘accessibility’: how accessible are you to a good or evil, and what your response is in proportion to the degree of accessibility – the recourse to action and the resource for action.
Yet, unrestricted closeness or remoteness that is bridgeable in any form is accessibility, and any resource is a recourse.
The most habitable moral landscape is this: choose to do the good closest to you, accessible to you, to the best of your ability, with the most you can offer, as immediately as you can; and push back on all evils close, accessible or remote.
Exception to the rule
It’s easier to destroy than it is to construct. A most perfectly sculptured glass piece – of several months of labor and unquantifiable efforts – is only 6ft and gravity away from disaster. There is one exception to the rule though: habits – they are brought to life through diligent, impulsive or compulsive repetition and practice; but once alive, good habits and bad habits die hard. The best habit to cultivate is hard work & dedication, because, it is an invaluable tool in creating good habits and the prime ingredient in destroying bad ones.
The law of ‘fact’
You are not required to believe in a fact. You are nevertheless required to believe it. Regardless of disposition, belief and fact are not mutually exclusive or statistically concordant; they are experientially independent; but for advancement in any cause – social, technological, intellectual, traditional… – the former necessarily needs to be informed by the latter. Fact about anything is what is, as defined by its premises. Facts can change with alteration in the premise; but a fact can never contradict the premise, and that’s why a fact will always be true.
The Trolley Problem
If you had to choose in your capacity, to either do a small good or a big one, choose to do the big one. If you’re in a position to do a little harm or great one, choose to do none. If you’re in the driver’s seat and at the junction of doing a little harm and a big good or a small good and a great harm or a big good and a great harm or a little harm and a small good, do ‘your’ math and call to function, your utmost IQ and your utmost EQ: the right answer lies somewhere in-between your competence as a ‘driver’ and your ability to remain unbiased, just and incorruptible in your execution. Because when it comes to doing harm, “the devil and the deep blue sea” is not the choice that you face. When it comes to doing harm, you’re the devil. And the deep blue sea (the situation you must confront) is either your tool or your weapon.
The Make of Honor
A sense of duty is among the most profound feelings a conscious being can express. It is the very incarnation of loyalty, the militarization of love, the transcendence of fear – aka, honor. But which is nobler: a sense of duty to die for a cause, or a sense of duty to live for a cause? Neither, because in upholding the principles of duty, either will necessarily require crushing all in its path and any in its way, both good and bad alike. The call should be purely of wisdom and nobility to be TRUE to the cause: a response to a state of affairs; a response in proportion to the state of affairs; the balancing of the benefits with the consequences producing a result equating to justice, freedom and equality while removing “self” from the equation; yet, championing the cause and accomplishing the goal at the highest level conceivable. So, TRUE honor is not in the willingness to die for the cause, or to live for the cause. Rather, the willingness to live upholding it, and die upholding it.
There are three types of ‘cracks in a system’ into which the more vulnerable will fall and fall through:
- Cracks in the system produced by flaws in the structure and structuring of the system: lack of checks and balances, deficiencies and weaknesses in protocol, process and outcome inefficiencies, disruptive orientations and confliction in system goals and objectives…
- Cracks in the system produced by inadequacies in the entities and components of the system: incompetence (lacking skills, knowledge or aspiration), fault in member structure, insufficiency in composition…
- Cracks in the system produced by the choices made by entities of the system: greed, injustice, arrogance, selfishness, sloth, fear, prejudice, xenophobia, bias, malice, indifference, disregard… and the absence of patience, compassion, understanding, reason, love, forgiveness, honestly, integrity, truth…
Truthuring the Twinity
Scientific truths and moral truths are separate and apart; nevertheless, moral truths can be nested in scientific truths, and scientific truths in moral truths.
For civility to reign – unimpeded by cronyism, fascism, unbridled liberalism, superstition and dogmatism – scientific truths must precede, but moral truths must lead.
A fair shot
Equality is not identicalness. The pursuit of equality is not a quest for similarity or uniformity. It does not belie the contributions of diversity nor ignore the power of different. In fact, it fosters the very.
Equality is the striving for commensurateness, for justice, for a voice, for a seat, for an opportunity – and for a fair shot at all of these, even if the starting point is zero.
The inequitabileness of nonequivalence
An insult to the privileged on the basis of their privilege is not to be considered equivalent to an insult to the disadvantaged on grounds of their deprival of privilege; the effects of an imperative that challenges the privilege of the privileged should not be equated with the effect of same imperative exacerbating the disadvantage of the disadvantaged. The former is a pie to the face, while the latter is as devastating as a kick to the gut while down on the ground – especially when the one doing the kicking is a benefactor of the legacy that birth, nurtured and/or nurtures the institution of the latter. This remains true unless or until both become equally disadvantaged or equally privileged.
The universe | the world.
Science | technology.
Faith | doctrine.
Philosophy | ideology.
Nature and The Arts | acts and expressions.
Truth | the applications of Truth.
The former is the foundation; its applications (the latter) are its extensions and projections. The applications of Truth are called creations (truths). A creation is always connected to its foundation but can be divorced from the Truth’s essence (decadence). Decadence deliberately crafted is “a lie”; unintentional, is “a falsity”. A creation is divorced from the essence when it evolves or devolves in disregard for, or in opposition to its Truth. A creation divorced from the essence is not death, or the loss or lessening of life; its not incompatibility or irregularity. A creation divorced from its foundation’s essence is pain (the absence of happiness). Suffering is the divorced-from-essence creation begetting other creations (the absence of peace).
How does a decadence regain splendor? It must revert to or rediscover truths and re-merge and reconcile to Truth:
The world — equity
Technology — opportunities
Doctrine — amity
Ideology — counsel
Acts and expressions — love and service.
SHE & I – the fundamental for the inception of any democratic economy, the infancy of a state and the ultimate sociopolitical wedlock for any nation’s domestic thriving, flourishing and subsistence: in concordance with the establishment and enforcement of law and order for the equitable coexistences of the population, it is incumbent on the government of any nation – and a right entitled its citizens, and the duty and responsibility vested its elected or appointed leaders – to coordinate and incentivize the defense and augmentation of every individual’s singular, and the nation’s collective Security/Safety, Health, Education and critical Infrastructure. Why? Because not every member of a population is a part of the prevailing economy or desiring of non-vocational economic pursuits. Without a foundational SHE & I, there exists no incorruptible altruistic paths to civil engagements in mission-fulfilling services to the population. And with a SHE & I solely initiated and run by private sectors, control, capital and the factors of consumption are directed by and only circulate to and from the parts of the population with power, authority and affliction. While control, capital and the factors of consumption are non-zero outside of this circulation, they will be so significantly low that their efforts and interests are of near-zero impact, and their overall demand capacity and capability, practically nonexistent. Even when advantages and economics of scale can be gained expanding outside of this circulation, the outcomes are invariably, chaotic industry and market segmentization, convergence at the lowest common qualities of demand and constrained avenues to upward mobility.
Three Laws of Economy
- The cost of anything is found in its alternative benefit to other things
- The cost of anything is the value of its components to other things
- An economy is the product of the value-set* of its constitutions.
We describe ‘a’ value-set because an economy is like water; all bodies of it are connected. An isolated, evaporates or is quickly expended. The value-set of an economy is a product of its accessibility to information, knowledge and communication, and the economy’s capacity to derive from them, ‘Understanding’ on one hand or degeneration (from unraveling the ‘The Fabric of Societal Cohesion’ or ‘Evolving in the wrong’) on the other.
Characteristics of a value-set: principles, teachings, norms, lifestyle, traditions, culture, hopes and aspirations.
The Three Laws of Economy are valid for independent bodies (economies) that share or desire to share benefits, values and value-sets through the components of market and industry.
Markets are created in the pecuniary interactions and transactions between businesses. Industries are the categorical functions and practices under which businesses operate.
Incentives (values, benefits or value-set betterment proposition), not policies, are the best way to boost and foster a competitive and healthy constitutions for the optimization of the Three Laws of Economy. Regulatory incentives for industries and economic incentives for markets.
Incentives are principal guarantees that argument or accelerate the attainability of benefits and values when exploited or exercised by a business.
A business is any organization of means and method, parts and smarts that exploits the Three Laws of Economy to produce wealth.
Wealth is the compounding of economic benefits and values.
Wealth is created by discovering, generating or inciting demand and then satisfying that demand through business.
Every business is the exploitation of absolute or comparative advantage and the practice of economics of scale.
There are three kinds of advantage and economics of scale: commodity advantage and economics of scale, services advantage and economics of scale and infrastructure advantage and economics of scale.
Advantage and economics of scale are practicalities of subsistence inherent to a free economy that when exercised and mutually executed, direct the flow of benefits and values to any business with the path of least resistance to the optimization of the Three Laws of Economy.
The formula for market
D = S × Fc; Fc = Ac × Av ×Aq; Aq = (Ir × Irx × Eff)/(P~)
Demand (D) is the product of Supply (S) and the Factors [variables] of consumption (Fc).
Fc is Accessibility (Ac), Availability (Av) and Acquisitionality (Aq).
Aq is the product of a market participant’s [consumer or supplier] Interest (Ir) and Influence (Irx) and their effort (Eff) with respect to the price to the market participant [price (P~): risk (threat and opportunity), cost and benefit] of acquiring or distributing a desired market component [price of AcAv]
Interest is relatability and Influence is responsibility. Accessibility means a desired component of the market can be tangibly reached (via e.g., monetary means, geographical location, affluence/affiliation, recourse exploitation ability). Availability means a desired component of the market can be physically possessed (based on e.g., adequacy of quantity supplied, reliability of transaction systems, situational-demand distribution efficiency, resource provision stability). Conflict or disproportionate transpiration in the Ac-Av relationship means unfavorable traction in P~.
in a free and fair…
In a free and fair society, nobody is entitled to preferential treatment, unless it pays the due to equality or is sanctioned by it. In a free and fair society, every person is entitled to equal opportunity and their merits born out of their participation. No one is entitled to unmerited privilege or privilege born out of inequity or on the backs of societal disparities – not ever, in a free and fair society.
Endurance of inches —–|–> Endurance of servitude
– when in a jogging exercise, in spite of being tired, you push yourself a bit harder, saying, “just to that landmark within sight”; then once there, you say, “just once more to the next landmark”; and again, and again…
Unfortunately this modest show of valor can also be employed to self-defeat or self-sabotage. If one moves into a house that has one leak per square inch, at what point would the leak be considered significant enough to render the house non-habitable – 2 leaks per square inch? 3 leaks per square inch? If someone moves into a house that has a leak every square inch, it is more likely that the house would have its roof blown off and the occupant would be apt to proclaim, “thank goodness I still have 4 walls”.
Truth, facts and reality (TFR) do not play favorites; dreams, hopes and aspirations (DHA) do. But for DHA to succeed, they have to be fortified with TFR. DHA is a fragile imitation and/or version of life. DHA without TFR is a bubble. And TFR has a way of catching up to any imitation or version of life with terms of non-negotiation. For one’s dreams hopes and aspirations to come to fruition, they must be founded on truth, their structures reinforced with facts, and open for the air of reality to freely flow through them – whether breeze, wind or storm. Because, the more DHA is tested, the more like TFR they are regarded – the more they survives, the more alive they become. The more they persevere, the more they evolve into true life.
Artifactual be.ing
The computer is the closest artifactual intelligence to the being. Illustrating the being using the features of a computer might be minimalistic, yet effective; and does the job of painting tangibility.
The heart has memory and teaches the brain a thing or two. And yes, the entire being too – body, mind and soul.
The mind is the operating system of the body. The soul is the software (or collection of apps and programs) to the hardware that is the body. The brain is the powerhouse – the server, CUP, GPU, etc.; the senses is the wireless connectivity and infrastructure (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, touchscreen, sensors, etc.); the heart is the paralleling network; the lungs, the respiratory and digestive systems is the power cords, the generator, the battery pack and the load-bank; the skeletal system is the internal wiring, integrated circuits and microchips; the endocrine system is the embedded logic gates and corresponding logics; the neurocadiovascular system is the Programmable Logic Controller Network. And here’s where the concept of ‘consciousness’ for both universes diverge – where the being differs and transcends the computer in functionally and sophistication: even if we regard heat dissipation and radiation attenuation as excretory processes to an Artifactual-Intelligence system and mechanisms, the computer has no inherent immune and excretory (waste/unwanted/dangerous data, component or content removal) system or network – and certainty not one that rejuvenates the immediate ecosystems from which the energy/charge (food/edibles) is taken. By possessing and exploiting the immune and excretory systems, the being maintains the unique capacity and capability of rejuvenation – for as long as it maintains resource mutuality and reciprocity with its environments and sustains unison within all its aspects of mind, body and soul.
There are three levels in the ascension to consciousness: (1) function (2) purpose and (3) continuity via self or familial replicability, replenishment-ability and/or repeatability – with an evolving singular purpose.
Consciousness – hence function, purpose and continuity – can be universal, sectorial or entitative. Function is distinct from purpose. Function is directionally internal while purpose is both directionally internal and external. Purpose is the systemic integration of functionalities towards a systematic end that is both internally and externally determinant. To illustrate, consider the facets of vehicular utility. All vehicles on construction, have a set of functions for at least one functionality, but gain purpose once adopted by an entity or school of entities for use; whereby, the vehicle can be a constitution (part of) or a non-constitution (apart from) the entity or school of entities. For instance, a machine can be part of or supporting/supported by a sectorial artifactual intelligence that includes computing, robotics and entity-generated energy, such that consciousness can be conceived as attained through an ecosystemic energy perpetuity distribution and redistribution, induced and sustained to and from the machine and throughout the sector.
Sentience is the capacity for bias and fluctuation of the intensity of functions towards the uncompromising satisfaction of purpose and ultimately continuity (akin to the sensation of thought and feelings). Singularities occur in the course of continuity, at the point of deviated functions that stray so far off that the prevailing functionality-purpose agreement becomes unreconcilable; the aftermath of which represents the ushering in of a new consciousness ascension pathway of existence and life. Singularities can be traversed with a ‘crossover phenomenon’: diminishing presence of the associated entity or school of entities coupled with motion approaching the speed of light, and the reverse.
“lack consequences” of the “Being Essentials”:
- Air – death in matter of minutes
- Water – death in matter of days
- Food – death in a month
- Social and societal connections and intimacy {constitutes “thriving” and the blossoming of consciousness} – from emotional disorientation to metal incapacitation to physical disability
- Diet and Hygiene – death in a matter of months to a matter of years
- Shelter and Clothing – death in a matter of minutes to a matter of deferred — heavily susceptible to all prior essentials.
False equivalency
Being “balanced” is not the same as being “even”. A structure (tangible or conceptual) conformed to inherent lopsidedness can still find balance – not by altering its structure, or disjoining or displacing its composition. In staying true and fair in any expression or exploration of comparisons of equivalencies, balance is not the augmentation about the axis of distinction in search of symmetry; it’s not the expansion or contraction of context, or the inflation or deflation of content on either side of the axis in pursuit of evenness. In true equivalency, balance is the exposition of all the truths contained within the same context — the same context reflected on both sides of the axis.
Communication illusion:
the art of getting/causing an audience to hear or experience only or enough of what the communicator (illusionist) wants/causes it to hear or experience – to the point of it (the message) becoming for members of that audience, at the least one or a significant portion of their truths, and at best/worst, the only truth they know or care to know. Communication illusion can be deliberately constructed or nurtured (information manipulation). When it is unintentionally done, acted on or responded to, it is called ‘fallacies of interaction’.
There are seven tactics or outcomes of communication illusion:
- Extrapolative distortion – take truths in one environment and apply it wholly to a completely different environment while maintaining context and requirements that apply only to the former, and using characteristics that are common to both as loophole.
- Adulterating induction – get many sources repeating the message over and over to certify the message in the mainstream to create an illusion of potency, and to sow doubt and/or undermine the credibility of any opposition.
- Elusive designation – create an air of uncertainty, controversy or hysteria to test the boundaries of tolerance; inject a hypothetical into the interaction to expose the spectra of sentiments then exploit the discoveries.
- Clothed diversions – of three dimensions: a.) create a distraction, or a temporary or evolving attraction peppered with predilections or sweetened with sensation to draw attention away from; b.) draw true or false parallels, highlight a completely different cause or course then deviate from the subject; c.) bombard the senses or overload the critical thinking by pointing people away and to an overwhelming other or many other attractions.
- Piling on naivete – take a truth they know then create a thread that layers half-truths and magnifies falsehood from there on.
- Baiting the guilt – normalizing by shaming the shame: shaping the perception or presumption of the potential outcome, or defining the outcome as not a character, competency or potency flaw, but a nobility of authenticity, the inexorable nature of the beast or a natural cause or course under any such dealings
- Expectation exacerbation – inflaming their grievances or stroking their sentiments and then telling them exactly what one faction wants to hear and exactly what another does not want to hear — then depending on which most preserves and furthers the intent, take the side of the most powerful faction, or the most ruthless faction, or the side of the faction with the deepest or rawest grievance.
There is no life without “different”. If “same” is all there is then “nothing” is all there can ever be – no matter how massive the volume of the “same”. Homogeneity of a singular and solo context or composition is emptiness enveloped in content and substance. “different” creates the space for potential, mobility, motivation inspiration, aspiration, attraction, interaction, love… and life.
The returning
Desperate times call for desperate measures. But remember, desperate measures are often extreme measures; and extreme measures is also a thrown boomerang that on returning is proportionally equipped to haul back with it, both intended and unintended consequences. It (the returning) is also a second chance or the redeeming opportunity to correct what was missed in the inception of it all.
Facts n’ flowers
Evasion of constructive truth matures into intolerance for facts. Intolerance for facts morphs into acceptance and adoption of falsehood. Acceptance and adoption of falsehood is the death (in mind, soul or conscience) to truth, such that the only way to justify a deplorable stance when the tables turn is hypocrisy. Along the path in the trajectory of this devolution, there is a best and a worst case scenario. At best, there is a reckoning, a recompense and a reconciliation to truth. At worse, the hypocrisy sinks into self-absorbed grievance, spitting out hostility, resentment, indignation and a thirst for self-proclaimed justice – not just the proliferation of falsehood against truth, but to systematically seek out truth for its destruction.
Choice, options and opportunity
The conflation of choice and opportunity exacerbates discriminations and misunderstandings. Choices are the decision you make when options are available. Good options (workable, not-impossible and non-destructive) are in themselves, opportunities. Unlike choices, options and by extension opportunities, are beyond the individual’s control. Irrespective of the creed, when the able, fortified or privileged are presented with good options, they create opportunities; when the ill-equipped or ill-nurtured are exposed to unfavorable options, they make bad, self-serving or destructive choices.
Identity crises
At the core, identity is acceptance and belonging. Having identity as a cradle of community subsistence – as a social construct and a guardrail against injustice, inequality and ostracism – is a necessary pursuit in any society void of acceptance and belonging in any aspect of its shared commons. However, the stingers, triggers, fears and cares tagged to color, race, demographic, origin, ethnicity, etc. as identity markers or identifications all remain superficial and artificial since they only manifest in the absence of acceptance and belonging.
Identity markers or identifications become insignificant to social cohesion in the presence of acceptance and belonging, and in all respects will dissipate from any space where acceptance and belonging thrive. And this is because the relationship between an identity marker/identification and its constitution (the body – of subjects and objects – responsible for the designation of an identity) is only good for and as good as the connection each constituent (subject or object) has with the identity: even in the absence of acceptance and belonging, an identity is worthless, and its constitution in danger of segregation and ostracization if it does not remain powerfully and wholesomely synonymous with the subject matter or the object of the matter.
Simply, if a body must identify to qualify, then it is burdened with a corruptible incentive to remain identified – whether that identification is merited, inherited, elected or contrived. Authentic and graceful acceptance and belonging is always qualification – whether that identification is merited, inherited or elected. Authentic and graceful acceptance and belonging is always qualification.
Race and Class – this pair of abominable inventions modern civilization can’t seem to get away from. Being entirely constructs (totally made-up with absolutely no anchor to truths of our being, facts of science, or the realities of nature) are fully contradictions onto themselves. They profess the realization and exposition of identity, ethnicity, diversity and culture, but rarely have anything to do with those in practice. Instead, they’ve raised institutions in their image, sown divisions, built borders, driven policies; they’ve made themselves indispensable to modern cognition and recognition of our immediate and remote environments.
Race and Class fed off each other over the centuries to the point of each becoming an indistinguishable impostor of the other; infiltrating otherwise independent and noble lanes of societal constitutions – geography, biology, genealogy, intelligence, education, faith, tradition, nationality, civic rights, access & authority, hierarchy & communality, resources & recourse, merit & opportunity – and morphing into a conflation of all their dystopias, with Race by virtue of the conspicuity of its defining theme (skin completion) becoming the repository for all their falsehoods. Like money, they’ve made it from the realm of construct to the realm of tangible reality. Unlike money, they possess the complete incapacity to render anything of value to human advancement, and are perfect candidates for “two things our Universe could have done without”. This pair of abominable inventions have written and rewritten history with impunity… And will continue to do so unless enlightenment stops them dead in their tracks, and abhorrence abolishes them.
Knowledge is power; lack thereof is pain
The true meaning of pain in life is the absence of knowledge, the wrong use of knowledge or the inadequacy in the media for conveying, acquiring or implementing knowledge. Knowledge in life means having the capacity to assess and access resources or recourse for continual survival and thriving.
Constitution construction
Utterances and definitions can set the designation for the parameters, perimeters and constitutions of truth. But actions, not words, are the bedrock for the exposition of truth. What you do goes a long way in revealing the truth you inhabit or embody; at which point, what you say is irrelevant, or only corroboratively relevant.
Lot’s to lack
The affliction produced by privilege is acute blindness with a luminosity of absolute-zero into the destructive deprivation of the same named privilege. Because, lack and lot traveling with the same momentum, cannot exist in the same space at the same time. The only cure is empathy borne out of understanding or experience from a place (space + time or space-time – physical, spiritual or psychological) where lack existed away from lot.
Sentimentality of Crudity
Situational awareness should not terminate at catering to feelings of sentimentality or be ponderously sensitive to emotions in isolation of overall state of being – communally or the individual. To be sure, you can and should sacrifice the proclivity ambience of everybody’s feeling in the universe for the wellbeing of one.
There are three kinds of dishonesty: intellectual dishonesty (a lie or an act in plain sight you can spin as close to truth as possible), emotional dishonesty (a lie or an act you can get away with, even with yourself) and transactional dishonesty. Unlike the first two, transactional dishonesty is borne completely of greed and lack of courage. It requires an affront to truth, a dismissal of the consequences to other and a regard only for self or self-interest. It’s what it means to “sell your soul to the devil for fame or fortune”.
Intellectual dishonesty is a framework of false equivalency and fact and truthness disillusion around a subject; like when a person says, “why are you taking the glass? It’s not yours” – implicitly implying that theft is happening, even while fully understanding the action being witnessed is the glass only being moved ‘out of the way’, while also already biased towards a desired specific and outcome as a primary intent: e.g., (1) having the doer construed as a thief, or (2) having the glass remain unmoved.
But there is such a thing as emotional dishonesty. Emotional dishonesty is using one range of emotions to mask another range of emotions at the level of communication or conflict. At the level of communication, it manifests as communication illusion (fallacies of interaction). At the level of conflict, grievance and a false pursuit of justice and equity are used to mask any range of other emotions – from fear to love to anger to envy to superiority – that are the actual driver(s) of the person’s behavior, character or attitude momentarily or long-term. When a person proclaims, “I am doing this for the people I love” – while in truth loving them, but in fact doing it for the pleasure and notoriety, such that if confronted with the unambiguous and disentangled choice between either, it would be less than a dilemma to the mind and far from a predicament to the soul that pleasure and notoriety loom paramount. It begins with conceptions that mirror intellectual dishonesty, but that don’t fully germinate into ID. They (conceptions) then go from the head to the heart and trick the conscience to crack the door open enough to allow an invalid construction to go in or come out. To accommodate this request from the head, the conscience proceeds to lower the morality threshold, amend the philosophy-of-life constitutions, or re-situate the boundaries of acceptance and tolerance. What is produced is not awareness or contrition. What is produced is void of shame or any sense of culpability. What is produced is a sense of entitlement to a perceived justice, truth, worthiness, right… In most people, this is done unconsciously and reflexively as a response to self-preservation Instincts. What’s so dangerous about ED is that it is insidious and infinitely so. In some, it is done over time with practice, and perfected. It can remain undetected and unacknowledged passing through many and varying circumstances of communication and conflict, possessing the power to normalize its abridgment – not just in the internal environment, but externally – every step of the way.
GLIPCE – the 7L 9P 3E Laws of Power
In a socioeconomic structure, there are 2 dimensions of power: (1) the secular dimension (2) the transcendental dimension.
The keys to power in the secular dimension:
- Deceit – as weapon
- Control (of self and frame) – as shield
- Fear (inspire and be inspired by) – as armor
The keys to power in the transcendental dimension:
- Ambidexterity (bi-dynamic perspective) – as weapon
- Patience – as shield
- Love – as armor
angels and gods
Weapons and tools are for things in man’s control. Angels and gods are for things outside his control. The more angels and gods are forged into weapons and tools or the more weapons and tools become incarnate of angels and gods, the more man becomes angel and god, and the further away he drifts from the immortalities born of faith and the corporalities that bring peace.
The Realms
Soul, Spirit and Mind
Spirituality | Society | Science – God/gods
Nature | Sex {sex – the biology / sex – the chemistry} | Money, Power & Grandeur (NxMPG) – Angel of truth and angels of verity
& verisimilitude
Love | Life | Afterlife – Angel of meaning and death
The Universe (perpetuity rejuvenative)
The World (participatory constructive, destructive, disruptive or corrective)
The Ether (all things trans- and repository)
Intelligence is the capacity to accomplish anything, the apogee of which is the navigation of uncertainty or capability in the absence of certainties. There are all kinds of intelligence: social intelligence, intellectual intelligence, academic intelligence, cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, subsistence intelligence, survival intelligence, spiritual intelligence… on and on. There are 9 coordinates of intelligence – the shuffle, transpose and replicate matrix and submatrices of which produce the spectra of all kinds of intelligence:
Fortitude Knowledge Piety
Purpose Understanding Counsel
Power Wisdom Fear
Intelligence can track above [positive] the axes of ‘Understanding’ (in compatibility and grace); and intelligence can track below [negative] the axes of Understanding (in incompatibility and irregularity)
The nature of ‘Art’
Falsehood exists in science, politics, communication. But falsehood can never exist in art – or broadly speaking, expression of self. Art can captive, inspire, motivate. But art cannot falsify or harbor falsity – because in art, the message and content is independent of the beholder. The truths about an expression of self are unconditional – regardless of whether they reflect the beholder’s viewpoint or not. In art, the splintering of the message in the content contributes to the beauty of the art or expression. By contrast everywhere else, the message of the content is the point; in other words, by contrast everywhere else, it requires not the expression of self, but the expression of truth.
So, where’s that thin line between art or expression of self and everything else? It’s the two “i”s: influence and intent. This can be recognized for instance, in a prevailing societal normative having sensational appeal and existential repercussions, being unequivocally pragmatized for or against (intent), by a prolific putative persona (influence). When an art is infiltrated by any of the two i’s within any order or preordained structure of concordance, it ceases to be an expression of self. It becomes rather, an adulterated non-art. It becomes an act: of mal-deliberation or dereliction; a coercion; a violation – of norms, morals, ethics; a crime. However, incitation of the artistic kind or of the pure arts does not exist. Only a directive – explicit or implicit in the objective of the art – would qualify. Only negligence on the part of the art’s creator or ignorance of the law could be scrutinized for in the absence of a directive. Even where an incitation as a byproduct of unadulterated art is conceivable and can be proven inextricable from the contextual construct embedded in the art, it remains a non sequitur without the two i’s.
There is however, a third ‘i’ that seals the deal, and bridges the chasm between the expression of self and the expression of truth: integration. One who contradicts or exploits a subjective expression with an objective expression, loses all credibility of artistic intent. A persona who expresses the art of self and the act that is truth within the same context owns the latter and cannot be exonerated by the former. If it quacks like a duck to please then acts like a duck in and out of code switching and context phasing, then it effectually is a duck.
The Anatomy of Science
Science is any process or exercise that advances a collective reality while unraveling its essence without contradiction. Art is any expression that unravels any reality with or without contradiction. All science is art defined by the boundaries of tolerance in nature.